July 27, 2024

Tara Iti: a Must-Visit Golf Oasis in New Zealand

When someone mentions golf, New Zealand is probably not the first association to one’s mind. And while some think that there’s no association whatsoever, a little known golf course in this part of the world is gaining popularity. Thanks to the media and the Internet, people can get more information about all golf courses easily, like they can get offers similar Maria Bingo and have fun. As a matter of fact, a well knows golfing site Golf Digest ranked this particular course #6 on the World’s 100 Greatest Golf Courses list. And if this sounds tempting, try Googling some pictures of this place.

Where is Tara Iti Located?

Tara Iti is located on the Te Arai coast on the North Island of New Zealand. It is near Auckland, one of the big New Zealand cities in the north of the island. There is no grand entrance to the club, as its form and style are kept modest. The 18-hole course with the greenest grass you will see is juxtaposing with the blue of the ocean and rugged mountains in the distance. Once you see this breathtaking view, you won’t be able to take your eyes off such beauty. The architect behind this course is Tom Doak, and the initial idea was to build a private course for the owner and his family.

More About the Place

It is a little known destination that opened in 2015 all golf enthusiasts will love. Unfortunately, the golf club doesn’t invest much in advertising, which is one of the reasons why you probably haven’t heard of it already. As we already mentioned, it was one of the courses of the highest-ever debut on the Golf Digest World’s 100 Greatest Golf Courses list. Moreover, the club is the first American-style private golf club in New Zealand. Besides, if you want to be a member of this club, you will have to wait for an invitation, as they try to keep the club small and maintain an intimate atmosphere. 

Tradition and Nature at Tara Iti

Another of the unique traits of this place is tradition. When the Maoris sold the land, they insisted that the owner respect Tara Iti. This is precisely why the club honours the land heritage and puts tons of effort into preserving the wildlife. Visitors will be able to see birds, sheep and other animal and plant species typical to this land all along with the property. The place was named after a local bird species called Tara Iti Bird. The cottages where the visitors can stay are named after different sun stages, using the language of the Maori people. 

Tergiversation, CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0, via Wikimedia Commons – cropped

While at Tara Iti, you will get a unique chance to walk down the seven-mile-long coastal edge where the sand area rarely gets narrower than 50 yards. Apart from the glorious beach and golf courses, you will also have the opportunity to enjoy breathing fresh air, walking up the sand dunes that offer an incredible view overlooking the area. Moreover, you will be able to enjoy all of this natural beauty in total privacy, as there are rarely any people visiting this hidden gem.